Organizing corporate events is one of the occasions NEW EVENT has an extensive experience with. We’ve been contracted and continue to be a service provider for international companies like Bridgestone, Seeburger and AbbVie. We have all it takes to observe the global requirements and guidelines our customers follow and plan an event that the local offices could confidently present on each international meeting they attend or even serve as a benchmark against ongoing corporate events in other countries, where the company is represented.
The very fact that we have an impressive portfolio of corporate events proves our recognized professionalism. The conduct of such events inevitably involves high-level of responsibility. They are usually a communication tool aiming the company’s employees.
It’s the event’s execution and success that determine on whether the employees afterwards will be even more motivated for deliver better results at work or will give rise to negative comments and create a non-productive working environment. We understand the high level of responsibility required to organize corporate events and we have the right tools, facilitators and skills to ensure perfect implementation of everything.
As a licensed agency, we have advanced know-how in corporate events’ planning. Following our proprietary methodology that has been tested in a multiple of happenings, we almost eliminate the possibility of problems related to location, technical equipment, accommodation or catering to occur on-spot. There are many elements that go into the complicated puzzle of organizing corporate events, however, NEW EVENT has the competence to fit them in a perfect way every time. That’s the reason why the last step in our process involves evaluation of the achieved goals of the event.