As Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Breast Imaging (BSBI) and on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have the pleasure to invite you to the First Conference of the Bulgarian Society of Breast Imaging, which will be held on November 2nd and 3rd in Sofia.
BSBI is a professional non-profit organization, a member of the Bulgarian Association of Radiology. Members of the Society are doctors, specializing in Medical Imaging, actively participating in the field of breast imaging. Our desire is to attract colleagues young doctors specializing in Imaging Diagnosis and X-ray Labs.
The society has set the goal of developing and introducing into clinical practice an adequate to the world practice, a medical standard in breast imaging. By organizing conferences and training courses to raise and maintain high professional level of its members.
At the forthcoming First BSBI conference, leading experts from the country will present their experience in the field of mammography, ultrasound diagnosis and the use of magnetic resonance tomography in the early diagnosis of breast cancer.
Guest-lecturers from the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) will be invited.
A report by a representative of the National Cancer Register on breast cancer morbidity and mortality in Bulgaria will be presented.
Organizational questions and issues for the future activity of the Society will be discussed.
On the second day of the Conference, with the support of the leading medical companies, a practical course will be organized, where the participants will learn about the new technological opportunities and solutions of rarer clinical cases.
More information about the First Conference of the Bulgarian Society of Breast Imaging can be obtained through the official conference organiszer – NEW EVENT at, phone +359 2 494 94 84; 494 94 89; +359 889 94 94 82 or by e-mail:
With regards,
Dr. Ivo Gergov
Chairman of BSBI