Тържество по случай 60 годишен Юбилей

Acad. Ekaterina Tityanova solemnly celebrated her 60th anniversary in the ballroom of the Central Military Club in Sofia on 8th October, 2018. The celebration was attended by over 200 guests, and was celebrated together with her husband Chavdar Rusev, who also had his birthday - diplomat in Mexico and now executive secretary of the Association for the development of mountain municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria. The jubilee lady was awarded with high honors and congratulatory addresses.

Детайли за събитието
  • КлиентАкад. Проф. Екатерина Титянова
  • Дата 08/10/2018 - 08/10/2018
  • МястоЦентрален Военен Клуб, София