• Phone: +359 2 494 94 84
  • Fax:: +359 2 494 94 89

Upcoming events

We take every upcoming events as personal projects and go an extra mile executing it. From seminars to parties - we organize events of all kinds.

Almost all the new business comes from a referral by satisfied customers or is succeeding a former event we were hired to organize as an event planning agency. Our portfolio of events is our main “advertising” channel. Whether it's a C-level business meeting like the Bridgestone one, a teambuilding for IT professionals, a congress like The Congress Of The Bulgarian Society Of Ophthalmology, or a sentimental personal occasion that must be perfectly organized to the last detail, we have done them all.

NEW EVENT is the event planner’s contacts you should have in hand when you are organizing upcoming events in Sofia or any other place in Bulgaria.

We not only cater a wide spectrum of happenings but also plan the upcoming events carefully in advance. We start with strategic analysis of the event’s concept, continue with the selection of the best location, date and explore the accommodation options, and end up with the details such as lighting and protocol activities. An event can impress, convince and inspire. Therefore, it takes know-how built on intelligence, that can be continuously enriched by every successfully completed project, even if it’s still with status “upcoming”. And marketing, of course! We devote to marketing as much time as on organizing our upcoming events in Sofia or countrywide.

The key ingredient NEW EVENT’s recipe for success, which guarantees us even more upcoming events, is the team. Some of our project managers have taken center part in making someone’s dreams of a conferences, seminars, C-level meetings, symposia, etc come true. We do not share the nine-to-five mentality when working on the forthcoming business. We are highly qualified specialists, who at the same time remain dedicated enthusiasts and visionaries who take personally all upcoming happenings as they demand full self-esteem.

Check out our portfolio. Browse the upcoming events in Sofia or other cities in the country.

The Real World Crypto Symposium
International Association for Cryptologic Research
Fully Homomorphic Encryption
FHE.org community

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